DAY 3: Setting Your "FREEDOM" Number

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Setting Your Monthly Income Goal

Day 3

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Setting Your Monthly Income Goal

Timestamp Summary:

0:00:00 Introduction to setting financial goals for online business.
0:01:03 Importance of having a goal and constraint in business.
0:02:14 Personal example of starting a business with a financial constraint.
0:04:43 Overview of financial freedom, domain freedom, and purpose freedom.
0:06:29 Different online business models and finding what works for you.
0:09:17 Assessing current financial situation and evaluating income and expenses.
0:11:41 Setting clear financial goals using the SMART criteria.
0:12:43 Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
0:13:34 Setting SMART goals for financial freedom in online business.
0:14:54 Creating a vision board to motivate and achieve financial goals.
0:15:27 Sharing personal destination boards as examples.
0:17:46 Importance of having a vision board to stay motivated.
0:19:12 Determining the dollar amount needed for financial freedom.
0:20:56 Visualizing the impact of surpassing current income with online business.
0:22:28 The power of visualization in manifesting financial goals.
0:23:01 Homework: Write down financial freedom number and business model.
0:24:12 Preview of upcoming topics: finding avatar and building a website.

About Jason:

Jason Drohn is the founder of, a marketing agency, and, a digital entrepreneur accelerator. He has worked with over 1,100 companies in marketing and has extensive experience in digital marketing and AI tools.


In this episode of the AI Business Bootcamp, Jason Drohn discusses the importance of setting financial goals and constraints in order to achieve financial freedom through online business. He shares his own journey of starting with a goal of making $3,000 a month and how he overcame the constraint of not having money to invest in coaching or tools. Jason emphasizes the need to have a clear vision of what financial freedom means to you and how it aligns with your desired lifestyle. He introduces the concept of domain freedom and purpose freedom as additional aspects of freedom to consider. Jason explains the SMART goals framework and encourages listeners to assess their current financial situation, set clear financial goals, and create a vision board to visualize their desired financial success. He highlights the power of visualization in manifesting financial goals and achieving true financial freedom.

Key Takeaways:

- Financial freedom requires setting clear financial goals and constraints.

- The SMART goals framework (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) is a useful tool for setting financial goals.

- Assessing your current financial situation and visualizing your desired lifestyle are important steps in achieving financial freedom.

- Creating a vision board with images, words, and symbols representing your financial goals can greatly impact motivation and attainment.

- Visualization exercises reinforce commitment and increase the likelihood of achieving financial freedom.


- "Financial freedom is unique to each individual and goes beyond just making money."

- "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

- "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it."

- "Visualization has a profound effect on manifesting financial goals."

- "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

Day 3 Slide Deck Presentation

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Day 3: Transcript

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