In today’s economy, many people seek ways to make extra money or even turn their passion into a full-time job. Two popular options for achieving this are side hustles and solo freelance work. But which path is right for you? This blog post will explore the differences between side hustle and solo freelance and help you decide which one may best fit your goals and lifestyle.

What is a Side Hustle?

A side hustle is a job or business venture that you pursue in your spare time outside of your full-time job or other commitments. It’s a way to make extra money, from selling goods or services to starting your own small business. Side hustles can be a great way to test the waters of entrepreneurship without committing to it full-time.

Examples of Popular Side Hustles:

Pros and Cons of Side Hustles


  • A low-risk way to test entrepreneurial waters
  • Provides extra income without quitting your day job
  • Offers a creative outlet or chance to pursue a passion project
  • This can lead to valuable skills and network development
  • Potential to grow into a full-time business


  • It can be time-consuming and add stress to an already busy schedule
  • It may not provide significant income, especially in the beginning
  • It can take away from personal life and time with family and friends
  • Requires careful time management and prioritization
  • May face limitations due to conflict of interest with primary job

What is Solo Freelance Work?

On the other hand, solo freelance work is a form of self-employment where you offer your services to clients on a project-by-project basis. Freelancers typically work from home and have more control over their schedule and workload. This type of work can be ideal for those with a specific skill set, such as writing, graphic design, or web development.

Common Fields for Solo Freelancers:

  • Writing and Editing
  • Graphic design and illustration
  • Web and software development
  • Digital marketing and SEO
  • Photography and Videography
  • Business Consulting

Pros and Cons of Solo Freelance Work


  • Offers a flexible schedule and the ability to work from anywhere
  • Can provide higher earning potential than a side hustle
  • Allows specialization in a specific skill set and portfolio-building
  • Provides autonomy and control over your work and clients
  • Opportunity for diverse projects and continuous learning


  • It can be unpredictable and dependent on securing clients and projects
  • This may lead to isolation and a lack of workplace camaraderie
  • Requires strong self-discipline and time management skills
  • Responsible for own taxes, insurance, and benefits
  • Need to handle all aspects of business, including marketing and accounting

Which Path is Right for You?

Choosing between a side hustle and solo freelance work depends on various factors, including your goals, lifestyle, personality, and current circumstances. Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What are your financial goals? A side hustle might be sufficient if you’re looking for supplementary income. Freelancing could be more appropriate if you’re aiming for a full-time income replacement.
  2. How much time can you commit? Side hustles can be more flexible, while freelancing often requires more time.
  3. What skills do you have or want to develop? Freelancing typically requires specialized skills, while side hustles can be more varied.
  4. How comfortable are you with risk? Freelancing involves more risk but potentially higher rewards, while side hustles are generally lower risk.
  5. What’s your long-term vision? Consider whether your venture grows into a full-time business or remains a supplementary activity.

Tips for Success in Both Paths:

  1. Start small and scale gradually: Don’t overcommit yourself initially. Start with manageable projects or hours and increase as you become more comfortable.
  2. Continuously learn and improve: Stay updated with industry trends and constantly enhance your skills.
  3. Network and build relationships: Networking is crucial in both side hustles and freelancing, whether it’s finding clients or collaborating with others.
  4. Manage your time effectively: Use tools and techniques to balance your side gig with other commitments.
  5. Be professional: Treat your side hustle or freelance work with the same professionalism as you would a traditional job.
  6. Keep detailed records: Track your income, expenses, and time for tax purposes and to assess your progress.
  7. Consider the legal aspects: Research any licenses, permits, or insurance you might need for your chosen path.

Scaling From $500/month to $50,000/month:

While both side hustles and solo freelance work offer excellent opportunities to supplement your income or even replace your full-time job, it’s essential to recognize that scaling these ventures requires careful planning and strategic execution.

Making $500 per month is a great start, but it’s a far cry from the $50,000 per month many aspire to achieve.

The journey from a modest side income to a thriving, full-scale business involves overcoming numerous challenges, refining your strategies, and continuously adapting to market demands.

If you’re ready to take your side hustle or freelance work to the next level and want expert guidance on scaling your business effectively, we’re here to help. Click here to apply for the DWY Accelerator Program and unlock the potential to transform your passion into a lucrative, sustainable business.

With the proper support and strategies, you can bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Click here to apply for the DWY Accelerator Program >>